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Student Resources

Our Student Resources page is filled with information to make school that much easier for you. Do you have questions about your VA Education Benefits? Student resources! Curious about the different ROTC programs we offer at the U? Student resources! Looking for more money to pay for school? Student resources! Come see what we have that can help you!

Air Force ROTC

The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program is designed for college students about to enroll as a freshman or sophomore that are pursuing a B.A., B.S., Pre-Medical, or Pre-Law Degree. The AFROTC is a military training program for those that desire to serve in the United States Air Force as an Officer. The length of the AFROTC program coincides with the completion of your bachelor’s degree, which is traditionally three to four years long. When in the program you are required to be enrolled in two Aerospace Study (AS) courses every semester. The academic AS courses are conducted in the classroom and cover general military knowledge, military leadership, and national security studies. The Leadership Laboratory AS courses are designed for you to implement the knowledge learned in the classroom and practice leadership application in a military training environment.

(801) 581-6236
Naval Science Building, Room 205

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Army ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) is a program which can enhance your education by providing unique leadership and management experience. It helps you develop the qualities necessary for success in either a military or civilian career. Students are given a valuable opportunity to build for the future by earning a college degree and an Army Officer’s commission at the same time.

Army ROTC training establishes an essential difference between ROTC and other college graduates. Army ROTC cadets are taught to be leaders and are provided hands on experience in managing physical, financial, and human resources. They often possess a higher level of self-confidence and superior decision making abilities. Employers value these leadership qualities and prefer them in the people they hire. That’s why ROTC students frequently being their civilian careers at a higher level of responsibility than other college graduates and often go on to even higher levels of success. 8.5% of the Fortune 500 CEOs are prior military officers.

(801) 581-1855

255 Ft. Douglass Blvd, Bldg 638

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Navy/Marine ROTC

The mission of the U of U NROTC is

  • To develop Midshipmen and Officer Candidates mentally, morally and physically, and to instill in them the highest ideals of Honor, Courage, and Commitment
  • To commission college graduates as Naval Officers who possess a professional background, are motivated towards careers in the Naval Service, and have a potential for future development in mind and character in order to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship, and government.

As a NROTC Midshipman, your main goal with be academic excellence and the completion of your college degree. Here at the U of U NROTC, your instructors, advisors, and fellow Midshipmen will assist you in this task.

(801) 581-6723

Naval Science Building

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