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Veteran's Day

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About Us

Our Mission

We serve our veterans, military-connected members, and their families.

We are committed to establishing a supportive environment and welcoming campus culture. We enhance the educational experience of the military affiliated students to remove barriers and maximize the academic, psychosocial, and career potentials that results in unconditional success in the classroom and beyond.


Our Vision

The University of Utah will be the best place to foster a vibrant, military-inclusive campus community; leverage university  resources and military benefits; raise awareness of veterans, military-connected members, and family issues among campus and local communities; and provide support to our military community through graduation and graduate education programs.

What do we do?

The VSC is honored to support and serve all of our military connected students: active duty, reserves, national guard, ROTC, and family members. Some of the services we offer include:

    • Computer Lab with Free Printing
    • Textbook Loan Library
    • Work-Study Opportunities
    • Free SWAG, Coffee, and Refreshments
    • VA Counseling and Benefits Advising
    • Career Coaching Tailored to Veterans
    • And much more!!

The University of Utah proudly supports our military students by also offering:

    • Priority registration for veterans and service members after orientation
    • In-State tuition for most military connected students
    • Registrar's staff dedicated to assisting military students

Call, email, or stop by the VSC to find out more about how we can help you succeed and enjoy your time at the U.

Military Students @ the U

The SVU  enjoys social events, service projects, and comradery while providing the voice of our students to the U administration. SVU membership is open to all students and alumni of the University of Utah and is free to join. For more information, check out our page here, join the SVU Discord channel here.

Contact Us


Military connected students who are utilizing VA education benefits and are enrolled full time may be eligible to work part-time as a VA Work Study in the VSC. Applications are accepted each semester and there is always room for more. For more information, please contact Angela Brink, or stop by the VSC.


Meet Some of Our Students

At the U, we have more than 1,100 military connected students. This includes our U.S. Armed Forces active duty, reserve, National Guard, veterans who were not dishonorably discharged, and family members of those who served or are serving. About 75% of our students are undergraduate students across almost every major. The other 25% are in graduate or professional schools including Law, Medicine, and Dentistry. Our students come from every branch of service, making our community that much stronger and more diverse.

We know that we have more that 1,100 military connected students, but we don't know how many more. Some students don't identify themselves as military connected. If you are a military connected student, we encourage you to identify as such: login to your CIS account student homepage and click the tile for your personal profile (with your name/picture and UID), select the tab "Are you a veteran?". This is applicable for all military connected students, not just our veterans. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to submit some form of documentation showing that you are military connected. This can be a DD-214, a copy of current orders, a copy of your family members orders or DD-214, or other similar documents.  Identifying as a military connected student allows us to ensure we are providing as much support as needed and makes sure you stay up-to-date on the most recent news and information from our office.

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